NEWS 265: JPR 2021, LORD, Plastics and Pink October 19/10/21 • by admin Again amplitude and reaching several markets. LEA EN ESPAÑOL LEIA EM PORTUGUÊS 01/11 + FRIGEL e HBR assinam Joint Venture Consolidando Posição de Liderança em Controle Térmico na América do Latina com Soluções mais Verdes Venha saber tudo sobre esta aliança de sucesso 19/10 + LORD of everything, as we are when our customer is also EVERYWHERE, understand and learn more. 19/10 + Our diversity in plastics different possibilities and three solutions in one customer, find out more. 19/10 + JPR 2021 and cancellation of fairs Infinity system launch, integrated and more. 19/10 + Pink October see a compilation of our campaign contribution.