D. Bosco Social Work: First-class professional training, at no cost to those who need it most.

04/12/18 • by admin

It was in the first half of 2018 that we were given the task of helping the Social Work Don Bosco Itaquera. Amazing! In the same place they have managed to gather more than 30 courses ranging from caregiver to senior mechatronics. The structure of the unit is so professional that it resembles large and established educational institutions, all with free courses aimed at the community and those who need it most.

After years of working together with our partner ROMI, those responsible for the technical area of ​​the new Programming and Operating Blower course contacted us in search of a joint solution to the beginning of the course of this specialization.

During a visit of our Commercial Technical Manager, Aleksandro Coelho, we were able to see an opportunity that went beyond goals and scope.

“When I visited the Social Work D. Bosco Itaquera unit, I saw how REFRISAT could contribute to the formation of young professionals who, besides knowing our brand, would be more prepared for the market and for life.”

 Aleksandro Coelho, Commercial Technical Manager REFRISAT.

“We saw beyond the opportunity to publicize our brand to students who will soon be in large corporations … we saw that this was a way to contribute to a project that gives opportunities to those who do not receive them so easily and that opens doors to improve not only our sector, but also Brazil. “

Carlos Pereira, Director REFRISAT.

This is how we dimensioned and defined what would be the best option for cooling the blowing process that was mounted on the unit. After defining that we would provide a SAT 030, we requested the assistance of our partners! And it was with the help of Danfoss, Carel and SWEP that we were able to deliver state-of-the-art equipment so the unit had the opportunity to pass on even more knowledge to the students.

Social Work D. Bosco

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At the end of November we were therefore invited to attend the inauguration of the area, joining other partners of the unit such as the City Hall of São Paulo, Military Police and others in the area of ​​tools, in addition to ROMI, donor of the main Blower.

“I was very well received and positively impacted. I felt in a very caring environment, going far beyond the simple thanks of the students, teachers and leaders of Don Bosco Itaquera. We felt like a part of a great family in search of more promising paths for our country in the eyes of those young students! “

Jaqueline Pivato, Director of Marketing and International REFRISAT

See photos of the installation and the inauguration event with the students, partners and leaders of the institution:

Social Work D. Bosco

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partners, directors of the institute , ROMI and REFRISAT.

Check out some of the products that we mentioned here in our case:

unidade de água gelada
Compact Coolers Heat Exchanger Drycooler