Carry everything with quality, safety and maximum productivity!

04/12/18 • by admin • em ,

And as we already talked about in this edition about plastic, let’s continue talking a little bit now about our performance in our customers, to finish the year with excellence!

Plasticos Novel is one of those customers that fill our eyes! They act in many areas, like us. So if you think about it right from the loading of vegetables and drinks, to the pharmaceutical sector, they are there!

It is amazing how mankind has created so much solution for everything right? When we were children it might be unimaginable to think that companies that make pallets, boxes and containers could be so present in our lives! But it is thanks to companies like Plastics Novel that we receive the most essential products in our lives with the safety they must have.

With the need of cooling injection molds, in order to guarantee impeccable quality and finish, Plasticos Novel came to us already knowing what they wanted, after all, the company already has years of experience and knows what they need!

Already knowing the work of REFRISAT for having in other factories of the group the equipment of our brand they were able to guarantee better quality in the final product and increase their production with the help of SAT 060.

Ending the year well! For here and our customers.

Check out some of the products that we mentioned here in our case:

unidade de água gelada
Compact Coolers Heat Exchanger Drycooler