From Pará de Minas to all the Brazil

19/01/18 • by Bianca de Moraes

Lev Thermoplastics is a company with extensive experience in the area of ​​plastic and provides raw material for various industries throughout Brazil! Although the factory is located in Pará de Minas, they have representatives in São Paulo, in the cities of Franca and Birigui, in Rio Grande do Sul and of course in Minas Gerais, Nova Serrana.

Throughout their history, they have always sought to invest in cutting-edge technology to give only the best to their customers. It seems that things are very good there, since they have recently had to increase their production! And looking for technology, of course they found REFRISAT equipment.

We talk a lot here about the plastic industry, but with Lev Thermoplastics is a little different because just like us, they are a company that serves several companies. This means that the scope of our work is even greater than we imagine.

Since Lev Thermoplastics had an external reservoir of water, they were looking for a more personalized option of Heat Exchanger Unit. That it should not cease to be functional, but at the same time that it adapted to the existing reservoir. They ended up choosing the SAT 400-AR, as much for the trust in the equipment as for the good service that they received.

Plastic is everywhere and really good to know that even in Pará de Minas has a little piece of REFRISAT!


unidade de água gelada
Compact Coolers Heat Exchanger Drycooler