What HBR holding united: ENER + REFRISAT

26/08/21 • by admin

On the eve of the anniversary of our integration with HBR holding, nothing better than highlighting a joint work that since we joined HBR we have been doing with our sister brand: ENER.

For those unfamiliar, ENER is an innovative and pioneering brand in the gas treatment sector. And if you’re not familiar with it, we’ll explain how it works and how REFRISAT got into it too!

Where are these systems used?

In many industries, but it is most commonly sought after by starch factories, beverage companies, production of swine, dairy and feedlots, slaughterhouses and factory effluent treatment. In other words, they can be used by industries that generate gases and effluents that need this treatment, by companies specialized in energy generation using biogas or even specialized in projects and other generators

What does this system do?

This sustainable and future system is the big bet of food producers and effluent generators in their production in Brazil and in the world, because basically it makes biogas available for use in compensation, production or reuse, which is short and long term brings giant savings in energy costs mainly. Furthermore, it is also a fully integrated solution with environmental laws and needs and linked to a more sustainable economy. To summarize, ENER systems can fulfill one or more of these functions below, depending on the need:

1- Receive, treat and “clean” in its compositions the effluents generated in various productions;

2- Prepare the effluents received so that they have pressure and moisture properties in accordance with the sharing network of this substance.

What happens next and why is it important?

Only with these ENER systems can companies adjust their processes, save money and comply with environmental laws. There are some very common situations after the treatment of effluents, which are the main reasons for customers to look for our holding sister:

1- With the treatment of biogas, it is possible that it is reused in the production of steam in manufacturing processes such as refrigerators and breweries, a great savings in the process;

2- Companies that are unable to reuse this in their production become energy suppliers, as they are able to introduce/return this gas to the concessionaire’s network, obtaining large energy discounts or even extra financial compensation for what was produced. That is, extra income in an activity that was not its main activity, but which only had the initial fixed cost of the structure.

How are ENER systems sold?

Our sister holding company is a company with roots in engineering and the future of sustainability, which means that it does not work with standardized products yet, but it already has some projects in this regard.

Therefore, they work mainly with products made at our headquarters and sent to the customer finished, or they set up an entire structure and plant where the installation will work.

And where does REFRISAT fit into this?

For those who were already familiar with REFRISAT, HBR and Ener, there is no such surprise, after all, for some years now, we have been selling refrigeration systems to Ener as two independent companies so that they could couple to this cogeneration system.

Refrigeration is an important part of this system because it is through it that ENER systems manage to modify properties and compositions of the gas being treated/generated.

For example, in a digester that produces methane gas, the ENER system can receive this effluent at low pressure already without hydrogen sulphide so that with cooling there is a condensation of moisture in the gas, which increases the pressure and then with reheating it is in ideal condition for the generator set. It is exactly this treatment of the gas in its composition, physical and chemical properties and handling for transfer that brings benefits to those who buy these systems.

But then you can also ask yourself about what changed then from when Ener was our customer to now as our holding partner, right? Well, a lot! With our project team in constant interaction, we are able to develop systems focused on the needs of each of these projects.

This means that for some cases Ener supplies the system with almost standard REFRISAT equipment, in that “face” that you already know about our products. And in other cases, we built at our REFRISAT headquarters a specific system from scratch for that need.

Some customers and what did we gain with it?

While REFRISAT, Ener and HBR holding gain shared know-how, including processes that they knew specifically in their areas of expertise and now have expanded knowledge, our customers receive even more tested and robust systems.

Among the customers we serve during this period we are together, there is AMITEC, AMBEV, BIOGERA, among many others in the food and cogeneration sector.

We will soon post more information about this partnership with our holding sister!

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