12/12/17 • by Bianca de Moraes

We started 2017 in a sea of ​​uncertainties regarding the political-economic situation of Brazil. We already knew that it would not be easy, but when was it? We are born of periods of uncertainty, we change, we deal with it and we move on, and that’s how we learn.

In our 41 years of market, we know how much we all have to offer! We are evolving together, as citizens, individuals and institutions, and knowing this our year-end message is exactly about encouraging a simple concept: UNION!

It was in that year that we intensified our approach to the individual values ​​of each one that relates to us in some way. We are looking for more technology, we introduce new exclusive resources in our equipment, we modify projects in search of more improvements and innovations, and we begin internal processes of improvement in search of UNION and understanding of the needs of our sector, collaborators, partners and planet.

The result of this endeavor was a year of hard work and capture of projects with great development and technology. In this simple end-of-the-year message, what we want to propagate and pass on is just that we will continue together!

A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to all of you whom are part of our history and our legacy. Let’s go together?



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