14/06/18 • by Bianca de Moraes

Initially, in a plant where they produced only alcohol, with the evolution of production they started to make crystal sugar and common sugar. Also they began to produce besides the sugar the alcohol, with complement still of electrical energy.

With all this extra energy, and with needs in the increase of production, the company’s need was then in the potting, process in which we could help. The objective in the process was to limit the maximum temperature conditions of sugar at any time of the year. In this way, the quality of the product was maintained and the maximum capacity of the refinery guaranteed.

To solve the problem, we designed a cooling system to avoid the dew point, and the formation of water droplets inside the packaging, avoiding the sugar paving.

Our classic equipment was chosen and designed to cool the air through the passage through the serpentine with circulation of cold water. The cold air ensures the quality in the most diverse industrial processes.

In this way, we gain more productivity and quality in the process.


unidade de água gelada
Compact Coolers Heat Exchanger Drycooler