31/01/19 • by admin • em

Another year that we have traveled with great effort! And we would not be what we are if it were not for our collaborators. We have already talked about how well we have had good results this year, and we know that everything is the responsibility of this wonderful team that we call the REFRISAT family.

All our sectors had remarkable actions, initiatives and development, so this year, on December 20th, we closed a house in the fields and celebrated with the right to a soccer championship, barbecue and good food, games and gymnastics, prizes, sun and pool! We were lucky that the weather helped in everything, after all, the day was one of the sunniest that week.

Everything we did this year can reaffirms the importance of our union for the improvement of REFRISAT, and the staff adhered to all the initiatives of the party with much love and affection.

In the football championship, some of the Technical Assistance boys took the trophy. In the games and gymnastics, the prizes were from envelopes with 100 reais (in the style of the famous brazilian entertainer Silvio Santos heheh) to appliances, besides two televisions.

The most special moment of the day was when we met to talk about our contribution to what the company is and wants to be in the future. At the beginning and during the party, we ask everyone to fill out a note with a year-end message in which they should speak their votes to the REFRISAT team in 2019 and their contribution commitments. Some of the attendees participated and among them, we raffle the big winner of a notebook.

We try to select the best messages, but we got so excited about it all that we decided to publish the ones that everyone that participated in this activity wrote here: 

Is there anything better than ending the year like this? With the family united ?? 

Below photos of our bash!