Did you know? Ham and cold meat production is all about us !!

19/12/19 • by admin • em , , , , , , , ,

When we say that we are everywhere, it is because we can! The number of processes involving thermal control is impressive! They are numerous and unthinkable, as are the range of industry activities in general.

A simple walk in the supermarket is full of products that had our little help, and then came our idea to tell a little more about these processes that can “have” a REFRISAT!

You know that process that needs a little help to improve productivity, but the daily rush and the analysis of processes in progress ended up lagging?

Recently our sales team visited a ham and cold cuts factory that fits well with what we described above. We were asked to visit for another reason, but we identified that there was an opportunity there to improve and increase the quality of the finished products and production in general.

In a ham production, for example, the product is ground and prepared for baking at 85 ° C. After this step, the products are almost literally boiling, and they need some cooling before they are sent to the cold storage chambers for future distribution.

This cooling step occurs “naturally” in many factories. They immerse the freshly delivered consignment in a room temperature water tank.

Check out the customer process:

Improvement suggestion:

Cooling the tank water with the help of REFRISAT, as shown above, ensures that the product will be cooled more intelligently and in less time.

As a result, hams come out of much tastier ice water tanks and require less climate chamber wear to keep them in storage at 2 ° C.

Continuing with the previous process, the factory doesn´t stop, but the cost-effectiveness of placing a REFRISAT there is arguably very good.

A simple solution that makes a huge difference in storage, energy consumption and end up in product quality.

Easy peasy! Just use a REFRISAT solution.

Check out some of the products that we mentioned here in our case:

unidade de água gelada
Compact CoolersDry Air UnitDrycooler