From diagnosis to air conditioning
That we are the references in the medical hospital sector for thermal control is no secret to anyone, after all we were the first company to develop a specific Chiller project for this application in Brazil and Latin America, so the knowledge we acquired and developed over the years is evident and we didn´t stopped there!
In constant development, our trajectory demands challenges, and that is how we accepted several air conditioning projects, such as the one we closed at Diagnósticos da América S / A, or better known as: DASA group.
With a huge network of laboratories across the country, and renowned brands for quality and efficiency such as Delboni, Alta Diagnostics, Lavoisier, Salomão Zoppi and many others, the group fills our mouths and eyes when we see where our work is going.
Knowing our work and being REFRISAT clients, DASA group people came to us for a process in Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the cooling processes of magnetic resonances, tomographs and others alike, the group needed our little hand in the air conditioning of its “carioca” unit.
With an equipment of more than 35 TR, with e-coating treatment and special cabinet made of high-strength stainless steel material, REFRISAT managed to translate its reliability into the need for air conditioning.
More quality, versatility and usability in one environment. We help with the examination and the wrapping that guarantees well-being and maintenance of good conditions in large and structured diagnostic clinics such as those of the DASA group.
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