How it works

Learn all the details about our unique and special features, and know a little of how we work. We are the only company with a creation and development automation lab. Thus, the only ones able to develop completely customized solutions according to the needs of our customers.

If your process asks. REFRISAT does.

Machining Centres

We have a complete portfolio of equipment for thermal control functions that can be applied to machining centers, plus we have a team of mechanical, hydraulic, electrical and automation engineers with experience to develop the best solutions.

The equipment for processes in machining centers is delivered with all necessary adjustments for insertion and operation, just a simple electrical and hydraulic interconnection makes it work.

Beyond what is necessary for the operation, we provide more, everything developed and tested by the Laboratory of Automation and refrigeration exclusive of REFRISAT. Check below the flow chart of how the equipment processes in machining centers.


See next to the flowchart how the equipment processes in machining centers.


Check out the products in our portfolio that meet this and other sectors:

Complete Portfolio Industrial Metal Mechanics